Back to blogging and a change of direction

So I’m back now. I just have a desire to write. I’m going to leave the topics I’ve previously posted about. There’s more to be said about the Jewish miracle. There are still things I could write about that I haven’t yet already. I could write about Jewish doctors and lawyers (see Gladwell’s Outliers). I could write about Jewish poker players (which I decided not to write about because I’m not proud of it, but they are heavily over-represented in the game). There are another million things I could write about and if I see something that really sticks out I will post about it. I’ve also written about Israel quite a lot and Israeli politics, but for now I’m going to be focusing on other topics.

I need an outlet to express my thoughts and this will be it. I could open up a new blog, but instead I’m just going to continue with this one.

We’ll see how much I actually end up posting on this blog. I don’t have so much free time and I don’t actually know what the point of me blogging is. Anything I write will have been said before, whether or not it is “true” or not. Either way, I’m starting now.


So, just a question. Why do we blog? Why do I feel the world has to know what I’m thinking? Why do I feel the world has to hear my insights? What is it that drives me to write these posts?

I don’t actually know why I’m writing. It isn’t to teach anybody anything. It isn’t to make the world a better or smarter place. I plan to make the world a better place and make my contribution to mankind, but it will not be through this blog (or will it?). It’s just a desire to express myself. But why?

Perhaps if I had other outlets to express myself, I wouldn’t turn to blogging. I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like there’s no one that gets me. Half the problem is also that I don’t make an attempt to get people to get me, but often it’s just because they can’t. Perhaps I just need to change my social circles and to open up more to those people that could get me.

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One response to “Back to blogging and a change of direction

  1. We learn from other people’s stories. Our experiences can mean something because we’ve shared them with others and that may contribute something positive to their lives. Also, not everything needs a reason. Sometimes wanting to express yourself is enough. You don’t need a reason why, you just need to do it.

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